Our content expertly weaves together:

  • WHAT a caregiver needs to know and do according to the client’s Plan of Care and the caregiver’s role.
  • HOW to perform tasks while focusing on the client’s safety, infection control, changes in condition, and abilities to communicate (e.g., dementia).
  • WHY these tasks and communications matter for the client, the family, and for the professional caregiver.

Learn2Care’s online content aligns directly with your agency’s caregiving needs, empowering your caregivers to better understand the care they must provide. The content is arranged logically and sequentially for your entire professional caregiver workforce to excel in their current roles and advance in their careers in the future.

Effortlessly Keep Caregivers In Compliance

Learn2Care’s “Professional Caregiver Training” curriculum is written based on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid HHA Conditions of Participation (CoPs), revised 2017, §484.80 Condition of participation: (United States Department of Health and Human Services)

Individual states can have additional requirements and/or limitations for the scope of services provided. Administrators of home care agencies are responsible to understand and uphold these state training and scope of practice laws for any professional caregiving services they provide.

Organized Learning for Progressive Caregiver Roles


Calm presence, relevant infection control


Add tasks to prepare food, clean rooms & laundry


Add meaningful activities, perhaps transportation


Add detailed hands-on care, assistance with ADL’s


Our Learn2Care curriculum, including 59+ hours of classroom training, teaches professional caregivers in-depth about what care is to be provided in a home care setting, how it will be delivered, and why it matters.

Caregivers can easily take Learn2Care's courses on a device of their choice - phone, tablet, or computer.

No. The caregivers may take the course at their own pace, logging out of the program when finished for the day, then returning at a later time to resume the lessons where they left off.

The administrators and managers can log in to the platform to see which courses have been attempted, not attempted, and completed for each caregiver. This helps you better understand which of your caregivers is putting in the extra time and effort to learn new skills.

Why Wait?

What learning challenges do your caregivers face? What gaps do you see in their on-the-job performance? How does Learn2Care compare with your current staff training?